

Je dessine sur mon temps libre (c'est à dire à plein temps) II
20 ans II Insta : @mlrgart II

フォロー数:100 フォロワー数:17

this hashtag is all over my tl and made me discover amazing art so why not
Lately i mostly draw with ink and i love black and white illustrations ✨

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I did the sailor moon thing and i've no regret

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Hi !! This is a new acc and i've got more posts on my Ig (same @) but i'm trying to give my art more visibility. Si i'm 20, self-taught, and french. I do mostly ink art these days but i can do digital too :D

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Hi ! Thank you for this thread ! i'm french and i want to be a comic artist. I do digital and traditional art, mostly with ink these days :) commissions are open (this is a new acc, you can find more drawings on my ig with the same @)

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Hi ! Thank you for this thread, i'm self taught and i want to enter an art school. I do digital and traditional art, mostly with ink these days :) commissions are open (this is a new acc, you can find more drawings on my ig with the same @)

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Hello ! Je fais pas mal d'illu et de fanarts surtout en et je voulais partager ça, donc si vous appréciez allez check mon instagram:

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