The Modern Libraryさんのプロフィール画像

The Modern Libraryさんのイラストまとめ

The Modern Library was founded in 1917, its mission to bring great books to readers in affordable editions. Join us in our second century!

フォロー数:652 フォロワー数:7957

Happy 200th birthday, Walt Whitman!

"To me every hour of the light and dark is a miracle,
Every cubic inch of space is a miracle."

13 45

Edward Gibbon, author of The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, born May 8, 1737.

"Revenge is profitable, gratitude is expensive."

10 31

Frank O'Hara, born March 27, 1926.

always embrace things, people earth
sky stars, as I do, freely and with
the appropriate sense of space.

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Howard Pyle, author and illustrator, born March 5, 1853.

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Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, born February 27, 1807.

Turn, turn, my wheel! All things must change
To something new, to something strange.

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Wallace Stegner, born February 18, 1909.

"There is a sense in which we are all each other's consequences."

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Osip Mandelstam, born January 14, 1891.

"Only in Russia poetry is respected—it gets people killed. Is there anywhere else where poetry is so common a motive for murder?"

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Wilkie Collins, born January 8, 1824.

"Any woman who is sure of her own wits, is a match, at any time, for a man who is not sure of his own temper."

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Heinrich Heine, born December 13, 1797.

"The future smells of Russian leather, of blood, of godlessness and of much whipping. I advise our grandchildren to come into the world with very thick skin on their backs."

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Willa Cather, born December 7, 1873.

"I like trees because they seem more resigned to the way they have to live than other things do."

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