

AI Ecosystem

$MATES: MAtesZXcU38mgPuteRFo9ApCauYRRuwn3xf1cs5y7ZX

@nebula_moemate ($MOE): 8xzoj8mVmXtBQm6d2euJGFPvQ2QsTV5R8cdexi2qpump

フォロー数:3580 フォロワー数:114204

Fun fact: this was made on the go as the wassies came from nowhere and made this beautiful art without any coordination..

we love the wassies.. IWO zis is one of the most fun, organic communities with authentic lore..

check out..

32 135

During this bear market only the toughest will survive. Stay strong anon, stick with the doers and you’ll win in the end.

65 185

🚀Allow-list Giveaway🚀

20 x WL

interact and follow, retweet👇

3374 4048

Art NFTs
Land NFTs
Music NFTs
Anime NFTs
Gaming NFTs
Virtual Production NFTs

What if you had 1 NFT which gets you all of the above AND lets you make your own, individually and collectively as part of decentralised immersive stories

What if it lets you make history?

78 217

🚀Massive Whitelist Giveaway🚀

20 x WL

interact and join the discord👇

1060 1563

say hello to my little fren 👋

any interactions with this post can result in mayhem 💥

do at your own risk ☠️

82 274

we are on 🔥

shipping like crazy on a daily basis ⚒️

this is us as depicted by our very own 🤣

14 68

Get whitelisted for our first of many NFT collections:

✅ Retweet
✅ Like
✅ Join our discord (Add your metamask address to the NFT addresses channel)
✅ Play our metaverse alpha on our website and share yourself playing

We are a metaverse project on the web. Play our alpha!

617 753