

i love drawing cute stuffs

Icon: @Timo_wei95 | Banner: @ChineseRobotKid | Message request me on Discord for Commissions: mokkachi

フォロー数:4968 フォロワー数:3916

well ha joke on u i never went to bed and instead i spent even MORE HOURS onto this fanarts for my good cutie friend . And it finally finishes!! YAY!! i hope you love it!

such a cutie i swear >:0

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his personality is W H O L E S O M E [and cheerful]

[the last drawing was drew by pls do check her out she amazing thx] [cough cough shamelesspromote]

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A quick fanart that i made yesterday for !!

pls do not sip the coffee though!

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Howdy! I am Jeremy!
- i'm a self-taught artist that draw cute stuff most of the time! [ most of my friends teaches me how to draw so kind of yeah! ]
- I'm currently doing an arts raffle! Special animal crossing style, please consiering joining it! it would helped me out alots!!

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FINALLY,,,i have finishes shading this chara drawing, now i must go back to travelling or making a raffle in the future >:0.

[idk if the shading look good in this aa i tried my best please don't hurt me, also if there any good artist looking at this please give me tips] [RT pls]

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Do not worry!! i will help you!!!

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Hello there!! i was just wandering around and stumbled into this place!, do you mind if you show me the way back home? really sorry for bothering!

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hAPPY bIRTHDAY!!! i was just travelling but i have come across your page! i hope you able to have an epic birthday today! make sure to have fun!!!
i must now continues trying to find my home again,,,

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