

An outdoorsy photoshoppy mole - likes NT scones & Dartmoor. A bookish mole in a hole, seeking the return of integrity in a very specific and limited way

フォロー数:4707 フォロワー数:2578

Watching repeats of a classic BBC science fiction serial:
Déjà Who

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That’s a smiler emoji - you’ve found a new porpoise in life 🐬

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Dusting off a delightful old classic, but Pippin has a serious new message for dear old Auntie Mabel.

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For our frontline NHS staff and Volunteer Responders about to go over the top, it is more like this 😳

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Thank you to the delivery teams still working through the UK lockdown to bring Team Moley an early Easter egg - classic series 12 of This will be unfamiliar territory to the Junior Associates more used to Nu-Who special effects since 2005...

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That’s sounds like it’s worth hearing!
[if only in your head]

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😂 Reminds me of the alien scene in the Quest of Sir Brian of Nazareth.

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