🏳️‍🌈The Mon-gnus Protocol🏳️‍🌈さんのプロフィール画像

🏳️‍🌈The Mon-gnus Protocol🏳️‍🌈さんのイラストまとめ

Fan: The Magnus Archives & Protocol, Sherlock & Co., Handmaid's Tale, GOmens, SC Gamecocks & SEC football. BLM. Queer. She/her. Feminist. Unashamed Fandom Old.

フォロー数:1006 フォロワー数:506

tfw you find out not one, but TWO of your coworkers are also watching and you finally have someone to talk to about it.

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Y'all, omg, I commissioned art from for one of my WIP fics and. I /may/ have screamed just a little bit. I mean! Look at this, people! I can't even fathom being this talented! All love to !

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When you're introverted af and finally alone for the first time in months.

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I'm sorry you're feeling sad, hon! If you want to talk about it, send me a DM; I should be online for the next little while.

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2 pm: Surprise! The nurse who had to go left you a fuckton of undone work, all of which must be done before 7 p.m., a patient with a critically low blood sugar and one who's had a truly astonishing code brown in the bed.
7 pm: Thanks for your help! Want to come back tomorrow?

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What was the point of her trying to lead the civilians to safety? When has she ever let anything distract her from her mission? I'm just.

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