MONGGONS 🌳 | monggons.tez | monggons.nearさんのプロフィール画像

MONGGONS 🌳 | monggons.tez | monggons.nearさんのイラストまとめ

A seedling of idea can grow a forest of creations • Artworks are on @ParasHQ, @objktcom & @foundation

フォロー数:1655 フォロワー数:1695

Yes! For every single purchase of each of these 3 Rare Finds for Kababoyan, you'll get 1 awesome KAbaboyan_NFT ART same value or less for free!

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[1/2] Hey everyone!

Here's some of my classic artworks! Seeing these listed is honestly a surreal experience. My younger self is so proud & happy & I couldn't have done it without & 's support! 😭🥲

Check them out & give love!

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