

🔞HEY!🔞• 20↑ • pronouns: yes • hamcorn brainworms • wannabe artist • cursed tweets you didn’t sign up for • platinum for dbh, cried, drag it • eng/spa/ger

フォロー数:129 フォロワー数:896

Lieutenant Hank just doesn’t care, this is just another page added to his disciplinary folder, that already looks like a novel. https://t.co/1130k6AIhx

112 506

The reason is I love the pairing so much

0 3

I’ve really tried topping it tho

1 5



It took me to long to find what is considered a shit post at this point because *gestures at account* so I gathered four popular things that I think had people low key done with me https://t.co/X5VCJMJMCn

1 14

Connor from Detroit become human as Dickbutt https://t.co/T3HHQR7U7z

12 47



Ratio’d by my dickbutt Connor

0 2