

Twitch Partner adventuring in FFXIV 💜 Eos’s sidekick, Gpose main, crafting enthusiast. Streams Mon-Fri. She/her. PNGtuber by @astronocria

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My super talented and super sweet friend made this adorable Moomba for me - I adore it and it makes my heart so happy 😊💖

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My lovely friend made this beautiful piece of art for me - I'M A CATGIRL!!!! I love it so much 😭💖

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I finally have emotes for each of my kitties 😊 The grey king is Rumble and the sassy lil one is Rowan.

Rumble will patiently wait for you to wake up to demand food.

20/10 Rowan will steal your hair tie.

Emotes by 💖

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Someone please go tell younger me that someday she’ll have moombas as part of her everyday life and they’ll be part of her living her dreams. She won’t believe you but she’ll hope you’re right.

I’m so grateful for all of this 💜

Emotes by the amazing 😊

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When I asked the lovely and talented to make emotes for me, I knew she would do a beautiful job but I was not prepared for how perfect they would be 😭

I'm so proud and so honored to have this emote join the fam and I can't wait to see the rest 😭💖💖

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Taking screenshots of my lil behbehs is my favorite thing

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