

Draws n' rambles | SFW | an adult ♡ Mario/Megaman/Fighting Games/Birds. Likes alot of other things too. Pleased to meet you! Commissions: CLOSED (5/5 filled)

フォロー数:98 フォロワー数:541

I never posted 's Coffii Nails commission from last year, so here it is!

It's a recreation of the cover for Madvillainy, but Coffii-fied from top to bottom!

(all except for the mask. DOOM's mask stays untouched)

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Commission from !

It's a big design involving Sho's OC Coffii Nails getting a little Happy Chaos-themed makeover, as a tribute to both his character and his main in Strive!

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My greatest talent is forgetting which direction Tamas's horns are supposed to bend and being unsure which way looks better.

but as a bonus here's a fake cutscene from the fake video game he's in when he encounters the player/generic protagonist for the first time. (2021)

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found some leftover Reznors from that one time I drew them in 2021

I'm still attached to the idea of a little Reznor who sings and plays the keyboard Really, Really Good... instead of fireballs he belts out music notes at you (nonlethal ones! I think... )

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Went through a very brief case of Captain Beefheart brainrot a while back...
(and I felt compelled to draw him with a mouse for some reason)

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23) Beelzebub (Granblue Fantasy)
You have no idea how happy I was when I found out the hooded figure guy from my friend's primary gacha game was gonna be playable in Versus. I adore this evil man so much.

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22) Ridley (Metroid)
The most friend-shaped Nintendo character of all time

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21) Happy Chaos (Guilty Gear) -

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20) Dixie Kong (Donkey Kong Country)
Little kid me used to refuse to play the first DKC game because it didn't have Dixie in it.

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