

Draws n' rambles | SFW | an adult ♡ Mario/Megaman/Fighting Games/Birds. Likes alot of other things too. Pleased to meet you! Commissions: CLOSED (5/5 filled)

フォロー数:98 フォロワー数:541

... once they figure out how.

4 24

🤘🤘Get Ready To Rock🤘🤘

25 52

still not over the fact he's got k n i f e w i n g s

1 5

I was showing a friend my tablet to complain/show her all the problems i've been having with it, and it behaved itself the entire time I was drawing.

4 21

Had a dream I was tasked to sculpt a flamingo person wearing/growing hibiscus off their body. I don't think my sculpting skills are good enough to actually do that, but I can at least draw what I remember.

13 43

I dont know how to save notes as image files so i have to screencap...

1 10

Commission for !

Frosty Faustings is happening soon, and Sho and are already on their way, so get ready! Just maybe let them defrost first...

34 71

i haven't drawn a star fox in years

9 45

I can't stop thinking about this creature...

83 519