

Marina (or Clary)🍓She/They🍓🏳️‍🌈🍓Oc Artist🍓21+🍓

Multi-Fandom🍓May like NSFW Posts 🍓Oc x Canon🍓Drawn blood🍓


フォロー数:521 フォロワー数:208

Reposting because I changed things aaaa

This is my Persona, Marina! And some Alt.Outfits for her u///u

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Picture of my Lady Khia❤️
This is the sketch version, I actually finished that one already and will post it in the next few days or so ❤️

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I forgot that I like, draw and actually post what I draw SO HERE WE GO-

Pic of my Lady Junyo~
Will.... Eventually maybe probably also finish this

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Colored sketch of Movazia! Yes I might eventually maybe actually probably outline and color this--

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2 Ladies in love and both of them have a sister that I doodled up in the corner aaaa-

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Tiny Birthday present for my Friend / . Happy Birthday Sam <3! I know for Birthdays people usually draw persona's but aaa I drew Nimue because I wanted to draw her for a while I hope that's okay with u 💞

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Doodles of my 2 bounty Hunter ladies

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Yes....2 more StarWars FanCharacters because my heart said Do it

Nerm'ovazi'aonua or better known as ''Movazia'' and her work partner Junyo (The Twi'lek lady). Both are bounty hunters. Movazia is cold and collected. Junyo is playful and wild. Aaaa I love my babies ❤️

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A little Gif of Angie winking at you uwu

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