

fellow Godzilla enthusiasts! Follow me if you just plain love Godzilla and all things Kaiju. loves Dragon Ball as well.

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Design Wars PT14

Time to get spiky! We've talked about it before but between these two unused Mellienium concepts here. Which of these two wild designs do you guys like better? Concept 1?(Above) or concept 2?(Below)

14 69

Gonna catch some flack for this but

Mei Kamino > The entirety of the human cast in Shin Godzilla. That's my take on the discussion.

11 60

Which movie has the better human cast. Shin Godzilla or Godzilla Singular Point?

6 67

Both of these are concepts pitched for Godzilla Final Wars and if I am correct from what I can find, both concepts are done by Yasushi Nirasawa(plz correct if wrong). I personally prefer the first design over Tomato chest there. Which one do you like better?

112 635

Who could forget such classic Godzilla moments like when he fought the Titanic.

106 631

Happy one year anniversary to Godzilla Vs Kong! A movie that's a bit devisive and it does have its faults but I still enjoyed the ride. My only regret is I wish I had seen this in theaters at least ONCE. Oh well.

116 565

Imagine an alternative Universe where MV Godzilla exists but its a completely different design. The design ends up being one of the scrapped designs they were experimenting with during the production phase. Which design would you like to have seen if this was the case?

105 642

Its such a small thing but changing up something as tiny like giving one of cinemas biggest movie icons a simple weapon can do so much for the character. Kong going around wielding a Godzilla plate made axe is just freaking amazing and I need to see more of it

67 472

As tough as MV Godzilla is. He brushes off death in every movie and is saved by the humans every time. Distraction by Ford, Emma and Mark repairing the Orca and then Nathan reviving Kong. And some say humans aren't important to the plot

50 409

Name one thing you really like about MV Mechagodzilla.

87 860