

More ASUs and Splash Updates pls Riot. | Content moderator for the League Wiki, High Res Splash Art project.
Art by @PuppichuCosplay.
Discord: Moonboy65

フォロー数:126 フォロワー数:392

high res Crystal Rose Akali, Riven and Vi splashes from the riotgamesmedia site

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it's still cool too see these in their full size, even if they're only 1920x960 or 1728x1080 and around these sizes

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Here's a collection of 1920x960 and 1728x1080 chinese arts that have not existed outside of League Displays and the old League Screensaver App, some of which are still available on League Displays, I have grabbed them for your viewing pleasure! (1/10):

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when i uploaded those 1920x960 splashes from ossweb a while back i forgot to post these, not because they are 1920x1080 but because these have crucial information

on the top left corner you can read:
300 DPI

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some more full res splashes (including an alternate version of Grey Warwick), very small as well, Xin Zhao idk why it has WINKING as well

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found full res splashes around the lol.qq website, the Count Vladimir splash is one of these were you have parts of the character sticking out into the white abyss, the other 2 are larger versions, the logo can screw off tho :)

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and here are super high res Supreme Cells Sett and Zedd splashes from

to get the high res splashes open them in a new browser from the link above and remove the "-1024x473" part of the link for the full image

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full splashes for Bewitching Vex, Crystal Rose Yone and Supreme Cells Kennen

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lol.qq also posted the splashes for Dragon Fist Lee Sin and Annie in Wonderland in their original resolution of 4000x2000x and 4800x3000 respectively but compressed

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uhh idk what these are but they're textures for Ahri

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