MOONLIT ☆ comms: WAIT LIST OPEN!さんのプロフィール画像

MOONLIT ☆ comms: WAIT LIST OPEN!さんのイラストまとめ

Val • lesbian • digital artist
I like aliens! And elves! And alien elves!
Your local Star Wars nerd! Also into others fandoms like WoW or DnD :)

フォロー数:687 フォロワー数:1538

"Ready for some proper Shaddaa mayhem, rookie?"

My Chiss bounty hunter/freckles gremlin Inixa!! Wanted to do a proper piece of her to cool down from the school work! Will you take her hand and join her for some explosive shenanigans?

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my babies Shanareth and Soleil, with opposite color schemes!!

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I did a thing for MerMay! My nelf oc Shanareth, as an arcane mermaid, with a speechless Khadgar… She just wants him to stay and swim with her a little longer, she likes how his silver hair shines under the sun…

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wanted to do the OC himbingo with Delta bc she's my himboest character and it's.....perfect

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Watching TCW put me in a Clone Wars-era mood, so here’s some happy Jedi content!
My Jedisona/StarWars-sona Syd’Onii, and her padawan Bonbon, the floofiest Wookiee in existence, whose design is based on a Chow Chow dog.

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Soleil's Aranasi metamorphosis is one of my fave things ever baby looks so cute n scary

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i have sO many female ocs with no titties or small titties they're literally my fave type of ocs to create

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Just realize I forgot to post these! A school assignment I did last month, we had to paint a background and make two variations of it, so I went with 'night' and 'sunset'!
This background is based on Val’Sharah/Night Elf aesthetic from WoW!

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