


フォロー数:986 フォロワー数:4145

Today marks a year since I came out as transgender. Its been a hell of a year, and not in a good way, but I'm still here and trying to stay here. Thank you so much for all the love and support <3 (glow in the dark version of my oodie because lol)

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Orange Creamsicle & Pumpkin Pie

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I’ve been designing dessert themed Gatox, only made two so far. Honey and Hot fudge Sundae. Their innards are made of said thing. I plan to do more, please comment with desserts or even just dessert sauces/ice cream types.

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There we go, there's much boi. Pretty happy with his design now. Goes by Mooz but in story mode its Winter. Any questions just ask! He's a space Captain/Bounty Hunter. I think part of me was always going to go back to the green/blue. Its very me 💚🤍💙

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He was very fun to draw. Definitely going to try again soon 😍

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