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Jill Stein was the doctor our country needed. The key - to sustainability and authenticity. I am still BEYOND proud to have supported her with my art & to have voted for her in 2016. Wish I could vote for her again! #NeverBidenNeverTrump #DraftJesse
@TheChrisSalazar ohmigoodness, thats the cutest Bernie ever, I almost forgive him for bending the knee. Also, chibi Tulsi because, why not. :)
Tulsi doesnt need anyones permission to speak, she is badass and unapologetic about her principles regardless of what MSM says. She is the only person from the 2020 race I have real respect for. Thank you Tulsi. #Unity2020 #DraftJesse #DraftTulsi
@JohnStalv01 @Ihavenousefora1 @0Voter2 @bogiefuzz @EXrayFuSion @matthewgerman_ @GovJVentura @GreenPartyUS @DNC @GOP Great outreach.
I was gunna vote for Howie but then his supporters were mean to me online. <--- this is just as stupid a comment as what you just said. You are not representing the green party well.
@AlijahSimon @HowieHawkins @DrJillStein Also this -- I have a lot of art from those days... kinda hard to look at...
Anyone else feeling its 2016 all over again? #LetTulsiSpeak !!
#DNCfearsTulsi #TulsiBernie2020
@Sketch_Dailies Here is my sketch of Tony BARK #sketchdailies #ironman #irondog #tonyBARK