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@mojang Franchise & Art

フォロー数:2291 フォロワー数:51002

can be used for more than just pixelart modeling :'3

13 97

I dont know just testing painting on my mesh.

5 59

Progress update on my 3D learning journey, tryed to fix a few things in the running animation, and also did a very quick walking animation, the walking still dont have any inbetween frames so very WiP, but learning and making some progress :D (one small step at the time)

19 303

a bit of a progress on my 3D journey - next up rigging this guy, tho not sure what i do about all the clothing stuff XD

16 181

Morning everyone! - Ready for a new week!

5 24

More random stuff we did on the stream, Black, white and two colours.

8 103