

All I talk about is Japanese comics and cartoons. Bleach forever. Jujutsu Kaisen advocate. 25🫀 #Ravensflock

フォロー数:2749 フォロワー数:14063

Top 15 favorite characters from manga I’m reading rn (not overall)
1. Mori Jin
2. Guts
3. Gyro Zeppeli
4. Zoro
5. Luffy
6. Kaneki
7. Law
8. Mihawk
9. Khun
10. Bam
11. Mira Yo
12. Griffith
13. Mandeok Sang
14. Johnny Joestar
15. Sanji

2 22

In honor of drop your 4 current favorites🔥

64 465

Tryna see sum real quick. Who read this series when they were younger?

133 819

I find it extremely hard to believe people don’t like this arc😭it’s so good so far

12 139

THIS IS A BLEACH CHECKPOINT❗️Drop your favorite characters, fights, or moments in the replies👇🏾

93 497

My favorite fire users in anime❗️Drop yours 🔥

32 345

“Bleach is never coming back”

“Haha your anime got cancelled”

“At least our anime got finished”


346 1162

JuJutsu Kaisen Theory Thread⚡️*MAJOR SPOILER WARNING*

16 54