

Furries on Post-Its and in MS Paint. Just drawing as a hobbyist. My waifu is @snoothorse! No minors or AI "art", please.

フォロー数:240 フォロワー数:3756

...damn son, is there some silk in there somewhere? Gurl u nasty.

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"Werner's Lament" - brush and Mangaka pens, calligraphy ink and white acrylic paint on Midori Cotton MD paper for of their beefy boy Werner! Please go have a look at their exquisite gallery!

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I really should just give up full-page illustrations and just keep doing PostIt-note stuff.

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What kind of DLC is this?! A fake one made from watercolors, Ecoliners and coffee, that's what. Quick Sunday sketch for , featuring her totally-a-thing Shovel Knight OC, Snoot Knight / Shovel Snoot!

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This one is... not very good, to be honest. I wanted Fårbaute (the character) to be more prominent, but she drowned in the background, sorry! Got some new paper today tho', so I wanna test that out next! 8D/

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Plz no eat drogge, Bellyflop Buttonpoot, drogge r fren
eat burgo

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Largemitten McFist the Illuminator is a good boy.

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"The Defense of Shiroyama Bathhouse". Markers, watercolor pens and pencils.

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Sköll gets arrested by Garm, the fashion police. Quick sketch with color slapped on it to test my new drawing paper!

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