

23|TTTE Fan|KC area railfan🇺🇸|Nintendo Fan|can do many voices|occasonal artist|#fuckelonmusk |Rosalina best girl, more of her on my 2nd acc @rosalover48

フォロー数:514 フォロワー数:526

Ratio'd by Rosalina, Cynthia, Palutena, and Byleth

0 11

My King 👑 and Queen 👑. Pass it on 👉

0 2

Only thing I can think of is this since you got Rosalina dressed as Mythra

0 3

Mine is stanning Rosalina, which you should really try!

0 2

Kirbomotive has evolved! (I made the one on the right in April 2019)

1 13