Chriss Of The Chrisslandsさんのプロフィール画像

Chriss Of The Chrisslandsさんのイラストまとめ

Jumping from Interest to Interest, one after the other.
Follow my Art Account!

フォロー数:724 フォロワー数:669

Although gotta be honest, with the official trailer releasing in 2 days, the teaser feels a little unnecessary. Still.
Hell yes.

Also, mech.

0 5

And then there is this scene.

6 11

This scene alone made Heath Ledger's Joker such a legendary character. Goddamnit, the chills are real.

10 25

The great has drawn Yoru Tenkuu~ A great addition to ~

3 10

Guys, I have a new fetish.
Female Mechapilots taking their helmets off revealing their long hair.

89 278

I I appreciate the effort! Thighs are indeed something very.. interesting...

4 4