Frankly, been pushing a lot on #Twitter... is it because I think that anyone would give a shit about the projectile vomit I spew?
Probably not, but hopefully they can find it entertaining since I do it out of boredom between classes and streaming.
@theWellRedMage Getting older by the way it seems, I remember when my aunt used to let me play with hers with some Super Mario- time flies by! What were yours?
Cheers to you for being an amazing person! I hope that you are having an amazing day so far!
So I reached out to a good friend of mine, @ppeacchi, for a #commission revolving around my Twitch channel, and honestly, she knocked this CAWFEE #emote out of the park!
Please go check her out as she is very talented and is an amazing person! 10/10 would gladly order again!
Special shoutout and thanks to all who came in and vibed as we fought on the likes of Heaven and Hell in #Darksiders!
@SpunksPoison, @hvarcilla, @AngryGinjaNinja, @ayyo_kay, ||SixthSense||, and @Demmzzii1 were just amazing to vibe with, as well as the rest of the #FischSquad!
It looks like the results are in and the new #MisterFischGaming Mascot is going to be named "Fischtacio"!
Officially welcome on into the #FischSquadron buddy and thanks to everyone who took part in naming them!