

BASED TAKES. Man who yells at clouds.

フォロー数:330 フォロワー数:2620

World's End Harem - Fantasia Volume 5 Cover

Same author as World’s End Harem

Arc, heir to the throne of Nagara, and his harem of beautiful women may be the only thing standing against the end of everything.

has the official English release

4 28

Adamasu no Majotachi Volume 4 Cover

I like to call this dick diamonds. Satou has a disease where when he cums he produces a valuable diamond. Some chicks are out to get them. Ohh and when he cums he loses some of his lifespan

19 chapters currently translated

1 7

Musubaru Yakeato Volume 2 Cover

The story takes place in 1945, an era when cities and people's hearts are in ruins. There are men who are living with something in their hearts they can't throw away.

2 chapters currently translated

1 6

Shounen no Abyss color spread.

5 40

Black Lagoon: Soujiya Sawyer - Kaitai! Gore Gore Musume Volume 1 Cover

The manga focuses on Sawyer, a freelance cleaner in Roanapur's underworld who disposes of bodies using her chainsaw.

No English translations yet

5 13

Oh and this. Can’t forget this

3 12

OUT Volume 19 Cover

Iguchi Tatsuya has just been released from juvenile detention and is on probation. He’s determined not to be locked up again, working at his aunt’s restaurant, but he still has the same tendencity for violence.

169 chapters currently translated

14 30

Minami no Teiou Volume 158 Cover

Centers around Ginjirou Manda, a loan shark who charges toichi — 10% more interest every 10 days. Thanks to his money-collecting tactics, he is feared as "Minami no Oni" of Osaka's Minami business district.

No English translations yet

1 0

Peleliu - Rakuen no Guernica Volume 9 Cover

Manga follows the daily lives of Japanese soldiers taking part in the Battle of Peleliu during World War II. The main character dreams of returning home to draw manga while the others are more realistic

7 chapters currently translated

1 2

Here have the higher quality version from my post earlier

1 2