

フォロー数:144 フォロワー数:277

Yeah, but how many western general audiences can take designs like these seriously? (cont.)

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Because it's a prehistoric fantasy, emphasis on **FANTASY.** Ever heard of Frank Frazetta? His work is a big influence on the show.

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Callin' BS on that statement.

Here's a good example that art is far from dead.

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ShinGoji's gotta cool design, but his overall execution felt underwhelming. Shin is by far the only iteration that goes all the way with the mutant origin, but adding a soul in that walking monolith would've been nice. How I would've done it? Something like this…

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These are the only other two designs I'd make some slight changes to.

MarvelGoji: '54 plates.
BioGoji: '54 plates, green skin.

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Haven't posted my own art for a while, but damn am I getting better quickly.

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And like I said: they're very practical to move around with. As much as I love the classic Toho Ghidorahs, I can't really see how would actually be able to walk around with somewhat fat body like that, so those big ass wings makes better sense.

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I don't get your need for a five hour cut of possibly unnecessary shit that the movie's 1:53h runtime already accomplished telling within a very simple premise and plot that pits the titular characters against one another & tie it together w/ what brought them together:

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