

I review games | 314K Subscribers | Halo God | Doom Slayer´s Dad | @GamerSupps Partner | Business: [email protected]

フォロー数:202 フォロワー数:6147


14 166

This man should DEFINITELY have a role on a fan-made DOOM film, or even an official one.

63 556

Your face when you check your email to see if you got your Halo Infinite flight invitation and don't find it

8 128

The invasion of Hell on Earth, as seen from space. What a beautiful piece of artwork.

29 387

Somebody made a DOOM Dating Simulator and I can't even

10 124

If your whole vibe as a videogamer is talking shit and harrasing game developers without giving proper feedback and insight as to what they could do better then you have a very smol pp and I have no respect for you

15 137

Khorne Berzerkers and The Dark Lord

Warhammer 40K and Doom Eternal

Same. Damn. Energy.

83 900

I present to you, Sentinelguy. Its Doomguy, but bald.

10 291

The Dark Lord is a good meter taller than Doomguy on armor. Either the armor adds to his height or he is just that of a fucking unit. Imagine fighting an oversized naked Doom Slayer clone lol

10 223

Funny how ID Sfotware has been teasing the events of The Ancient Gods Part 2 for the last couple of years

29 378