

Cel-Shading style Illustrator and FGC Player / Trying to get good / UW-Whitewater Alumnus / Card Game Aficionado idk / Banner made by @CuteyPikachu

フォロー数:4132 フォロワー数:228

For smash it’s Inkling and Pyra/Mythra https://t.co/NxZRUuR8AH

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Holy shit Ano Natsu de Matteru turned 9 years old this month. Happy late birthday, spiritual successor to Please Teacher/Twins.

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Eahta would’ve been the next eternal I would’ve chosen if we didn’t get Uno and couldn’t get Seox. After that it would’ve been Threo.

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With all the love Frontier is getting in BT04, I hope we get to see this bro in the future.

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Favorite Digimon and Favorite Pokémon https://t.co/Mxrouw3Bzs

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