Pintin Panさんのプロフィール画像

Pintin Panさんのイラストまとめ

Concept Artist Scifi, hard surface, and space fantasy
Looking for opportunities! Shanghai/Remote fulltime


Weibo: @土味科幻品弟弟

フォロー数:378 フォロワー数:406

That's it for now! Might do more doodles to improve my shape these days.
下一套应该是跟着mole老师的作业一块做 QAQ

11 30

谢 谢!
这里是品! 有关cyberpunk,硬表面和太空歌剧

2 21

打扰老师了! 微博看到artshare不请自来辽

这里是品~ 现在currently在卑微画分镜(明明作品集都是概设kora) 私货的话喜欢cyberpunk和spacefantasy多一些

Hey i'm Pin! Currently working as storyboard artist. i'm full of cyberpunk+spacefantasy! (and maybe some really silly ideas)

2 10

Rocket Punch!!
personal practice! Had this idea after rererererewatching Pacific Rim
and maybe for my personal cyberpunk worldbuilding

hope u guys like it!!

2 8

Done for my personal cyberpunk worldbuilding.
Try to push my blender experience.
hope u guys like it..!!

4 15

(i could cum myself doing this (in whisper

1 10

As a test did for internship application
and they allow me to publish it as my personal work.
so.. here it is
Hope u guys like it!!

1 8

Made a little construction drone for my peronsal cyberpunk worldbuilding!! might made more illustrations for them, who knows?

5 29

Family photo for my cyberpunk worldbuilding crew!!
I think i'm satisfied with my cyberpunk street warrior crew so far. Might dig into some mech design for a while.
Hope u guys like it!!

1 7

saint-14 fanart
what's a few years of killing vex?
damn it u still nail it

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