

27. He/Him. Borrador Cósmico. Spriter en Team Hoenn y Elite Redux. @Afkinz_ mi amorsito.

フォロー数:970 フォロワー数:561

WINGS OF VENGEANCE Ho-Oh, Inspired by the Basilisk and the Phoinix

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FREEZING RESENTMENT Raikou, Inspired by the Blue Oni

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TORRENT OF SOLITUDE Suicune, inspired by the movie "Ringu"

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FLAME OF MALICE Entei, heavily inspired by Magnamalo

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Un esfuerzo conjunto con forjó esta forma regional de tipo Fantasma-Fuego. Un sandygast formado por la ceniza de personas y pokémon fallecidos. Su rencor y malicia por toda forma de vida se vio incrementada.+

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Fellow Scions, I started fooling around on a website named Twitter and I hath gotten 1 "favourite" from an individual named "PoghaTia". Art thou not impressed? 'Tis indeed "poggers".

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