

Fanfic writer and horror enthusiast. Way less active than I ought to be. He/Him.

Check out my fanfiction here: deviantart.com/mrtyedye

フォロー数:473 フォロワー数:170

Princess Carolyn is my favorite Bojack character overall, but Mr. Peanutbutter is my biggest comfort character.

He's adorable. I just want to scratch him behind the ear and tell him what a good boy he is

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I'm bored

Comment below with one awesome show with an okay-ish opening theme, and one okay-ish show with an awesome opening theme

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This may seem weird but one of my first thoughts was the boy and the girl from that Vietnamese Coronavirus music video from two and a half years ago

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You mean it was never about protecting kids or preventing them from making life-altering decisions? He just wants trans people to stop existing?

I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you. In fact, here's a picture so I can properly convey how shocked I am: https://t.co/XJXPbNsyuF

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S7 E3 "The Trash Can Band": Dolly CARTON? Okay, that's kinda funny. Points for that. [7/10]

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All right, let's do this! This is every Schoolhouse Rock song reviewed in 10 words or less!

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Recently rewatched some old clips of Johnny Bravo, and GOD I forgot how funny that show was. Timeless classic

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Who's your favorite animated cheese lover?

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