A Wy looking for an Owl House Revival.さんのプロフィール画像

A Wy looking for an Owl House Revival.さんのイラストまとめ

#StopTheEARNITAct2022 #DontMessWithLumberjanes
Northwest cartoon guy getting his career moving & stuff
Discord: MrWyBackup
Switch Friend Code: SW-8429-3887-9183

フォロー数:5021 フォロワー数:661

Disney, can we talk? I don't think Avatar is gonna lose any cash in the box office if Strange World did better in the Box Office than you let it. So you could have promoted it, and it wouldn't have harmed your Christmas Blockbuster. AT ALL. Please stop sabotaging your movies.

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So when this movie has an environmental message, it gets sabotaged. But when this movie has an environmental message, it gets Extreme Promotion, Legos and Funkos. PLEASE FIX DISNEY, IGER!

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