

🔞Helloha! welcome to my little corner of twitter 🔞

not sure what i'm doing honestly-

pfp crafted by the chad @PlumpCognito

OPEN FOR TRADES(mutuals only tho

フォロー数:1557 フォロワー数:7876

Finally, we ave them all..

a comm for the cool dawg MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE ft. Sayu's 3rd form, blacklight alt included

we also have confirmation that there won't be an attempt at the final form XD

45 207



Really feeling it

a comm for ft. Fiora from Xenoblade chronicles

108 574

and a regular peach cuz it looked gud-

43 234

a forestral stroll

A comm for ft. his characters Sarah (redhead with a large keister) and Mana (the greenhaired one standing on the keister like it's a walmart shelf)

54 314




i got sick for a bit and have now recovered(almost-)

played with outlines again-

40 296

Imma finally post this amy doodle cuz i seem to lose it amongst my files waaay too often XD

80 399

a lil' something for the pansy contest

she certainly can brighten up one's day

74 429