

Mom~cat enthusiast~gamer~Smut reader~ Miqo'teForever!
Affiliate @ twitch.tv/zindagee
My throne: throne.me/zindagee

フォロー数:341 フォロワー数:378

Alright, more Looking at this beautiful character I get to play as T_T!

2 10

Saying your problems are the only problems in the world is about as asshole-ish as it gets! STOP invalidating others cuz you think you had it worse. It is NOT a measurement contest. Please and thanks! K bye.

1 5

Couple of pieces my mod threw together and ill be using them for my channel <3 <3 . Thank you lol

1 7

Am a tad nervous and excited posting this, as it is my first birthday/twitch-versary stream. Not sure if there is a right/wrong or too much/too little. Hope to be able to celebrate with you all ^_^.

3 12