

Art Trust Lead. Curious, love learning and passionate about T&L, community and project based learning beyond the classroom.

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Made some progress on this today but still not started planning for September….

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An afternoon kid free zone. Lots of mistakes to refine but loved getting into my sketchbook today. Should be planning for September….

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Had to share this wonderful biro study. The marks are so delicate and beautiful and the intensity of the eyes are so powerful. Such a gift again for a young person to create. It’s been such a challenging and busy term and now I can reflect and appreciate the results of it.

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Painting to cheer myself up whilst isolating

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I found this Coloured pencil study relaxing until I started the hair. Pencils down for now.

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I’ve enjoyed a rare day off with my sketchbook. Work in progress.

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Some beautifully observed artwork being shared today via Teams

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During this pandemic, millions of us have experienced a mental health problem, or seen a loved one struggle. To create an environment where our kids can talk we looked at artists who have experienced mental health in their lifetime and how creativity can help. Make your mark

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My go to place is through creating

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