

Official twitter account for Mudae discord bot
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フォロー数:21 フォロワー数:45958

Mudae downtime premium giveaway, retweet this tweet to try winning both player premium 2 and server premium 2 (1 month), 30 winners will be announced in 24 hours! (check the Patreon page for more info about the premiums)

4391 3229

Follow + Retweet this tweet to try winning both player premium 2 and server premium 2, 10 winners will be announced in 48 hours!

1886 1584

We hosted a drawing contest last week in our main server and we added the five best of them into Mudae bot as event characters. You can unlock badges for all servers by claiming them.⚠️They won't be in your harem.⚠️They are available until 9th January at 1 AM PST.

12 290

Follow + Retweet this tweet to try winning 5 characters suggestions for the next characters update! 30 winners will be announced in 48 hours!

621 407

Everything should be back to normal, sorry for the inconvenience!

1 136

Follow + Retweet this tweet to try winning 5 characters suggestions for the next characters update! 15 winners will be announced in 48 hours!

608 405

We hosted a Halloween drawing contest last week in our main server and we added the three best of them into Mudae bot as event characters. You can unlock badges for your server by claiming them. /!\ They won't be in your harem. They are available until 17th November at 20h CET.

7 115