

He/ Digital Artist/ Cartoon Fan.
Drowsy at the office.

フォロー数:18 フォロワー数:4880

We all change our minds depending on the situation.
Todos cambiamos de parecer dependiendo de la situación en la que nos encontremos.

29 177

Bikinis Section - Leni Loud
The beautiful Leni Loud is the first member of the new bikini section!

42 212

Lincoln Squadron came up with an excellent plan to collect money, Kisses for $1! what could possibly go wrong?

The situation really got out of control... and two girls are not at all happy about Lincoln's involvement.

21 121

[DeviantArt Request]
This drawing is a request from the user freddy21103.

2 36

Nunca limpies la habitación de Lisa porque no sabes lo que te puede suceder.

10 76

Never clean Lisa's room because you don't know what can happen to you.

10 43

These are my own designs of what Lincoln's friends would look like as teenagers. These designs are within my own AU, 5 years after the original timeline (season 5).

6 45

Christmas is just around the corner
Ya falta poco...

12 87

Chicas vs. chicos (primera cita)
¡Fue de Lengua!

4 32

Girls vs. boys (first date)
It was a French kiss!😜

5 32