


ラブライブ推しは花丸,曜ちゃん ,可可ちゃん

Mugi love! I'm here for K-ON+Love Live!

フォロー数:1240 フォロワー数:2288

Ui swimsuit > Yui Swimsuit

11 150

Top left Mugi is adorable 💕

3 12

I'll be honest, I stoped checking if I have the Mugis people are giving me pretty much straight away 😅
If I get duplicates I get duplicates, its more fun to give people Mugis 💕

2 44

This is a very cute Mugi 💕

3 24

Hehe, I recognize my bad cropping 😅
Have a Mugi though, Blue kimono Mugi is one of my favorites 🙂

1 4