

👽六六六GΛMΣR⋄ CazaTrofeos ♈
» Adicto a #MonsterHunter/Souls⋄ I♡RPG
» I share art to support the MonHun artists I follow, and I do it with the artist's permission.

フォロー数:5364 フォロワー数:4827

World! ♡♡♡
•1. Deviljho vs. Bazelgeuse
•2. Charge Blade vs. Black Diablos
•3. Long Sword vs. Nergigante
"#fanart: Stu_dts [pixiv]"

55 133

War of the Monsters pt.5! 🔥#MonsterHunter
•1. Glavenus vs. Brachydios
•2. Astalos vs. Seregios
•3. Gammoth vs. Barioth
•4. Mizutsune vs. Zinogre
"#fanart: 逹雞腰子 [pixiv]"

92 234

War of the Monsters pt.3! 🔥#MonsterHunter
•1. Kushala Daora vs. Amatsu
•2. Nergigante vs. Valstrax
•3. Shagaru Magala vs. Makili Pietru
"#fanart: 逹雞腰子 [pixiv]"

225 545

War of the Monsters pt.2! 🔥#MonsterHunter
•1. Deviljho vs. Bazelgeuse vs. Furious Rajang
•2. Teostra & Lunastra vs. Crimson Fatalis
•3. Chameleos vs. Vaal Hazak
"#fanart: 逹雞腰子 [pixiv]"

229 498

War of the Monsters! 🔥#MonsterHunter
•1. Ahtal-Ka aka Ahtal-Neset vs. Gogmazios
•2. Alatreon vs. White Fatalis
•3. Xeno'jiiva vs. Nakarkos
•4. Zorah Magdaros vs. Dalamadur
"#fanart: 逹雞腰子 [pixiv]"

1246 2374