

フォロー数:2893 フォロワー数:19156

While Helen Higgins left the Japanese entertainment business in 1960, another mixed-race model became popular just a few years later. This is June Adams (ジューン・アダムス).

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New poster at Shibuya Station shows a flooded Scramble Crossing, to highlight possible climate change otcomes.

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Film title parodies by . "The King & I" -> 王様と私 (Ōsama to Watashi) -> Ōsama to Wada-shi -> "The King and Mr. Wada". Also, "Schindler's Squirrel", "Star Moses" & "An Butter" (アンバター for アバターi.e. "Avatar" )

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Nara is looking to move away from such a heavy cervine dependence. Compare this year's Nara Marathon poster (left) with a 2018 version.

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One manga and anime trope is the scene of someone - usually a schoolgirl - leaving the house late, with a slice of breakfast toast in her mouth. Niigata is trying to promote its rice showing an onigiri instead.

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Although Sakai's translation of "Dune" is the only one in print, he hasn't translated any of the other novels in the series. Another reason Yano's translations are popular, is that they are the only Japanese versions of the later books available.

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Next week, Kitan Club will start selling tamagokake gohan lights.

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Autorities are trying to discourage street drinking with a simulation run on supercomputer Fugaku. The image shows how droplets can travel when an unmasked person is speaking loudly across a table outdoors. Have to feel for the guy on the receiving end.

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Shin Godzilla floor wipe cover.

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