Mummy's Rosary - on hiatus (work IRL & trying art)さんのプロフィール画像

Mummy's Rosary - on hiatus (work IRL & trying art)さんのイラストまとめ

おたくの #ユウアス/YuAsu Otaku
OTP Yuuki👭Asuna
💙to praise fan👩‍🎨work
SpecEd BA
#BeKind #KeepMovingForward
(art @AG_Nonsuch先輩)…

フォロー数:459 フォロワー数:870

I think if there's one think everyone in the SAO community can agree on when it comes to Eugeo is that he's a precious cinnamon bun, and that it was no mere coincidence as to why he was paired with Cinnomoroll during the Sanrio Online sales UwU

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Damn, sorry that happened to her, but I guess that was a bullet dodged OwO'

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I just learned this!
That's awesome! Happy Birthday Cassandra (and to of course)!
Thank you for all the time and effort you put into productions like & (Morgana: NOT A CAT! XD)
You rock! Enjoy your birthday!

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It's birthday (4/19)! Thank you so much for voicing her in the dub, Cassandra!

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Aw, that's so sweet!
Forehead touches always have me like

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