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Muppet Wiki ✪さんのイラストまとめ

📚 Muppet Wiki, est. 2005, is the encyclopedic result of fans and professionals working together to build the best resource about Jim Henson.

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best Muppet parodies

• Swine Trek II: The Bath of Pig
• Ernie and Bert: Friendship
• 1979 Crazy Magazine crossover

23 106



Ernie's birthday was first established as January 28 in the 1972 Sesame Street calendar. To date, it has only been celebrated in a narrative once for the 1980 book, The Case of the Missing Duckie.

47 246

January 20, 2009
Barack Obama was sworn in as the
44th President of the United States

That same year, he recorded a message of congratulations to Sesame Street on its 40th anniversary:

11 124

Boober and Wembley
from the 1985 Fraggle Rock book
Wembley's Egg
illustrated by Sue Venning

19 130

New Articles on Muppet Wiki in 2022:

Fly in my soup

2 44

New Articles on Muppet Wiki in 2022:

Angela (monster)

0 5

Same! The closest we got was A Classic Cartoon Christmas from Nick at Nite Records.

1 4