

☆she/her☆ 50% Artsy 50% Fartsy

フォロー数:1866 フォロワー数:186

Sup I'm curious!!👀👀👀 And this looks like lotsa fun heehee~ Here's the prince of Dads, Marcel!

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May I give you this slut of a sad dad, Marcel? (Please let me know if u want more pictures I have a t o n.) ((Also the pic of him without a beard is him all young and meeting his babee😔)

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*busts out busts* HOOWEE! Let me know if u need any more refs for any of these guys bc I probably have a kajillion more- I figured I'd give u a few peepo to choose from this time first 💕

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After years of not drawing him I present to you, Felix Cornelius (something something insert surname here) 2.0 >:^) I changed him up quite a bit cuz he used to be a skinny blondie

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And uhhh yeah heres my friend's art! The new otp!

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I thought for sure I uploaded these before???? Anyhoo, if not, here's Marcel!

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Screenshots from my film, HOME

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A birthday drawing I made for :^( ❤️ I still like this a whole lot and i love him even more

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Younger and older Lily... she changed a lot

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