

That one guy that did that one thing that one time 🌷 Currently drawing HermitCraft and the Life Series!
Alt: @FarmerMyralt
Comms - Closed

フォロー数:851 フォロワー数:4712

Hello, I’m Myra, and I’m currently doing a daily challenge to draw all the Hermit cards from Beef’s card game!

21 70

Day 4: Etho❄️

RTs Appreciated! Please Untag!

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169 734

Teeny Tiny Plushie Cleo!!! (definitely my first try wdym)

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138 992

I still don’t have designs for them 😅

2 14

Day 2: Cubfan🥼

RTs appreciated! Please Untag!

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141 601

Here’s the final drawing I did last week! Thank you for working with me! 😊

RTs Appreciated! Please Untag!

11 53