

フォロー数:31 フォロワー数:268

I apologize for putting up two character refs, but I can’t decide which one should get your icon treatment ^^; ( drew them both)

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Ramona, Rusty and Rose drunkenly goofing around after a trip to the buffet, the bestest best friends that they are ^-^

Drawn by , they’re cartoon characters but I wanna hug them so bad <3

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drawn by because of course it’s gonna be my birthday on Sunday hehe

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that moment when you f i n a l l y decide on going to a con, and realize you absolutely forgot to find a hotel room to share with

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Oh my god, the Ohio GOP took my character reference sheet for Howie the Dinosaur and made a congressional district out of it

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Cotton candy does unfortunately have a habit of disappearing when wet... 😔

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well, as long as Howie isn't the pilot you should be okay lolol

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Glad you asked! He's one of my OCs, Howie the Dinosaur! did his model sheet and has drawn him in the past along with , and !

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For Ramona, the summer never ends... an old sketch of her redrawn and colored because why not :3

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Oof the dilemma of having to decide between my three core OCs... I’m sorry lol

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