

Living life... somewhat! | ✿ 24 years | ✿ Semi-active artist & VRChat + Pony Town player | ✿ MULTIFANDOM (6)

フォロー数:3953 フォロワー数:878

If you're still accepting requests, then I've got three lil' friends here: Kindle, Quantum, and Hawthorn!

If you'd like, go ahead and pick one of 'em! ✨.(•⌄•. )

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Heheh.... Alright, lemme just drop these 4 off real quick (pick whoever you'd like)! ☆(˃ ᵕ ˂o)

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Simple designs are my thing for now, I guess...

...at least until I finish everyone else.

I mean, I can give some old designs if you want; I've got *plenty* of 'em!

[If you're fine with Kindle and Quantum (both forms) here, then just pick between the two.]

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So, uhm... hi there!

Just so happened to find ya on my timeline, and I figured... why not stop by?

I mainly use Kindle and Quantum for things like this; their designs are simpler. So (in case you're still taking submissions,) I'll leave both of 'em here for you to pick from.

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I'm hella bored right now, so uh...

... yeah; Imma just leave Quantum here for the time being.

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I really only have these redesigns (Kindle & Quantum) that I've shown so far, since everyone else is still being worked on.

I'll just leave Forrest, Minnow, and Hawthorn's old designs here as well; it's nice giving people a wider range of choices.

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I have a lot, so...

...yeah, just go ahead and pick from these 5. (-⌄-')

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It's definitely been a while, hehehe.... Heya! 🌟°(^∇^ )

I just wanna show some new things, since a bit of time has passed; I've made redesigns for Kindle & Minnow, along with Forrest, Quantum, and Hawthorn!

Go ahead and pick anyone you'd like; there's plenty of options!

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Well... hehehe-

Luckily, I almost always create simple OCs, so it wasn't too difficult to choose who I'd leave here!

Here's Kindle & Quantum's revamped designs from a bit ago. Go ahead and pick either of 'em, or maybe even both; the choice is yours! ✨°(˃∇˂。)

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So... I actually managed to create something for Pico Day this year (woohoo)!

We got some more design teasers, this time with Hawthorn and Flare (along with a lil' bonus)!✨°(˃∇˂。)

[5 hours used for this masterpiece.... I haven't been this proud of myself in months.]

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