

Nina; 29; Austrian; ace; she/ them, really into Dragon Age, DnD and FFXIV rn #pnpde ; also always interested in OCs because they're awesome^^ Icon @SGreta1995

フォロー数:866 フォロワー数:252

Since I'm ace I have quite a few and it's hard to decide on whom to share^^

Dion, my 'bad at navigating on land' tiefling
Fantome, a character who's a worldhopper and appears in lots of settings
Sorrel, an eladrin I wanna play one day
Kisha, a mutant oc from the numenera ttrpg

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I have a lot, here are a few.
My elf (Dragon Age: Athras, DnD: Bast) (gay),
water genasi Jules (trans, gay)
Kisha (ace)
and Zion from a Numenera ttrpg (nonbinary, bi)

also omg I love your art!!

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3. Dion
Coral horns tiefling from DnD

He is very good at navigating on the sea but for some reason, once he sets foot on land, he gets lost easily. He lost his crew so currently is walking to the next port city they were going to. With a few detours I suppose.

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2. Bast
DnD Oc who is.. at least from the looks taken from the older version of Athras.
He does have a different personality. As a druid he loves nature and he ran from his noble household to avoid military service when he was young. He's bad with money but it got a bit better.

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1. Athras
Dragon Age ttrpg OC
My lil Dalish mage who ventured out into the world to learn more. Specialised in healing and ice magic.
There was an incident with a desire demon at one point during his travels. He now calls an Antivan City his home.

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Let's do it with Lunette^^

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I put Zion into the raffle I guess^^

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congrats on the 2.5k

Post OC... but I can't decide xD
Jules maybe..

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popping in with Hibiskus, my plant monster lady with a taste for meat^^

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I would put Lunette, my elf rogue from a DnD campaign I'm playing in into the pot^^

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