Mortekei || VArtist💀🎲さんのプロフィール画像

Mortekei || VArtist💀🎲さんのイラストまとめ

Morte/Myth || 21 || He/him || Cryptid Arcane Vartist ||
Art tag: #eldrINKtch

フォロー数:731 フォロワー数:317

heyo! i'm Myth, cryptid vtuber who mostly does art or minecraft, while also having absolutely no sleep schedule and always being half tired-
I only just started in 2021, but i'm hoping to stream more in the new year

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heyo! I'm myth, cryptid artist and mcyt who has a non existent sleep schedule. I mostly stream art, but sometimes videogames and upcoming lore for a smp i'm in! when i'm not sleeping in or up late that is >>;;;;;

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hi-yo!, I'm Myth- cryptid artist who streams when I have the time (and remember how time management works).
I usually pop into and stream with the dear - but i'd love to meet some more streamers to chill with ヾ(´¬`)ノ

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my time has come to show ✨Mondei ✨

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heyo, i'm Myth- I'm a mostly nonverbal streamer who does DnD and webcomic art (and dilfs, I lot of dilfs..).
I'm LGBTQ+ and my chat is a safe space for anyone ╰(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)╯

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got a good bit of art done on stream today, and got a few new followers!
I don't know if i'll be able to stream tomorrow, but if not, I'll try and stream on wednesday after my lecture!

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Heyo heyo- i'm Morte, or just Myth; i'm a digital artist who mostly works on webcomic and D&D art, with the odd game here and there too when I have the time 🐰🐰

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