

🎨 Full-time Fantasy Artist
🐉 Etsy Seller
👾 Lover of All the Nerdy Things!
😼 Cat Mom

フォロー数:1135 フォロワー数:2188

Cryptid: Void Moon Dragon
Size: Huge
Biome: Ethereal
Diet: Essence Drinker

18 58

Cryptid: Thundering Frost Dragon
Size: Huge
Biome: Arctic or sub zero climates
Diet: Obligate Carnivore

7 35

A tad late but I was busy.

In Memoriam...
6.0 - 6.01

4 16

Cryptid: Shadow Fire Dragon
Size: Huge
Biome: Temperate to sub tropical
Diet: Essence drinker, occasional carnivore

4 19

Chimera: Orca, Elephant, Catfish
Size: Huge
Biome: Open Ocean
Diet: Carnivore

12 35

Chimera: Wolverine, Lion, Blue Racer
Size: Medium
Biome: Mountains
Diet: Carnivore

3 14

Chimera: Red Panda, Phoenix, Fu Dog
Size: Small
Biome: Bamboo Forest
Diet: Omnivore

5 18

Chimera: Dire Wolf, Bear, Tiger
Size: Large
Biome: Desert, mountainous
Diet: Carnivore, omnivore in lean times

6 23