

🎨 Full-time Fantasy Artist
🐉 Etsy Seller
👾 Lover of All the Nerdy Things!
😼 Cat Mom

フォロー数:1142 フォロワー数:2196


Last week I started recording a weekly short podcast. My patrons will get episodes each Monday, then they will be made available to everyone else the following Monday. It's just me, talking to a mic about art, business and stuff!

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Name: Argra
Race: Beast Cursed Orc (Polar Bear)
Profession: Barbarian
Alignment: Evil

Character Quote:
"So you take the foul temper of an orc and
add in five hundred pounds of angry bear
and you wonder why people fear her?”

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Monster: Jackalope
Size: Small
Alignment: Neutral

Character Quote:
"Great herds of these ravenous beasts spread like locus across the land. We don't remember what idiot mage summoned them, but it took years to get their numbers under control."

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Name: Nimbina
Race: Firbolg
Profession: Druid/Herbalist
Alignment: Good

Character Quote:
"In her hands even a drought stricken glade
remains verdant.”

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Name: Adilay
Race: Fey
Profession: Cleric (Death Domain)
Alignment: Neutral

Character Quote:
"Mad because small, jealous of tall.”
Commissioned by: CeriMond

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Monster: Granthrax Dragon (Rift Walker)
Size: Large
Alignment: Good

Character Quote:
"Good thing Viin's personality is as
vivacious as her fur."
Commissioned by: ArepTeza

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Monster: Lung Dragon
Size: Huge
Alignment: Good

Character Quote:
"Often found guarding mountains or great rivers,
you'll never actually see one of these beasties,
unless it wants to be seen."

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⚜ 31 Days of Chimera Dragon ⚜
Animal: Fennec Fox
Animal: Bat
Element: Death
Commissioned by: BrimBrick

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⚜ 31 Days of Chimera Dragon ⚜
Animal: Friesian
Animal: Snow Leopard
Element: Nature
Commissioned by: winterfrostwolf97

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⚜ 31 Days of Chimera Dragon ⚜
Animal: Red Panda
Animal: Ferret
Bonus Animal: Long-Tailed Burnet Moth
Element: Fire

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