

Gamer 🎮 || Financial Fraud Specialist ||@killabearsNFT || @SpaceRidersXYZ || @designertoshiro || @FLTRapp || @Apechainapes || @GeezonApe $APE

フォロー数:1271 フォロワー数:1719

I’ve been a fan of the and that when I saw this 🔥 had to pick it up
One day, I’ll own a / , but for now a 🔥

14 27

stoked I got a rank 350 from ! It’s a great time to snag some high ranks at a steal 💎❤️🔥

9 14

Day 4 Appreciate ❤️
my father, I appreciate everything that you have done for me since day one! You were my best friend, coach, and mentor. You’re the one that got me into investing and was excited when I got you this . I love you and Miss you!

37 80

This Project is about to get ready for lift off! just started to every to gain a New Rider from this collection. We are still in the beginning and looking for y’all to

18 36

It’s crazy to part of a top rank 65 in are going to take over this ! ETH898 Trade volume is crazy ! wow such amazing team and Riders

22 53